Big Box Store

Big Box Store Australia is an online destination for Home and Living, Furniture, Electronics, Health and Beauty, Garden and Outdoor, Tools and Equipment, Auto Accessories and technology, Pets, and Toys and Hobbies.

big box store client logo for portfolio
big box store australia webmock

Digital Renaissance: Transforming an Online Store’s Success Story

Our VCI team embarked on redesigning Big Box Store’s website, prioritising seamless navigation and modern aesthetics. The result was an appealing platform guiding customers through home, pets, outdoor, and electronic products. Recognising SEO‘s importance, we optimised keywords and meta tags, significantly boosting search rankings and organic traffic.

To enrich the user experience, our content team crafted engaging product descriptions and launched a blog series covering various topics. This established the Big Box Store as an authoritative industry source. We also implemented an affiliate marketing program via Commission Factory, partnering with influencers and bloggers. Their personalised recommendations drove traffic and sales, creating a mutually beneficial ecosystem for the store and affiliates and amplifying reach and engagement.

Our Approach

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Giving their website a fresh and modern look! Sprucing up their website with a refreshed appearance, creating eye-catching graphics, writing engaging content, implementing all the necessary technical details, conducting thorough testing, and then launching their shiny new website to the world. Ready to impress their audience with a brand new image!

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To achieve optimal success in strategic planning for Big Box Store, it is critical to maintain a steadfast commitment to tracking and analyzing progress utilizing various tools, including analytics, search console monitoring, and site audits. By doing so, we can confidently ensure that our strategic initiatives are on the right track and will ultimately deliver the desired results.

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It aims to attract potential customers looking for specific items by assisting the business in generating and presenting appropriate advertisements to direct relevant traffic to their Big Box Store website.

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Creating more avenues for customers to purchase is the key to unlocking greater reach and profit potential. This customer-centric approach ensures that we take advantage of all sales opportunities and helps us maximize the revenue streams.

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Boosting Big Box Store’s online presence and expanding its reach by maximizing its visibility on various social media platforms. With the right strategy, we can increase awareness and engagement and strengthen their brand’s reputation and authority in their industry.

affiliate marketing in digital marketing


Partnering with influencers and content creators. By collaborating with popular social media personalities, we can leverage their large followings and influence to promote and sell their brand and products.

seo in digital marketing services


To maximize the chances of potential customers discovering their content and products, it’s crucial to optimize their Big Box Store website for search engines.



Increase in
Organic Traffic


Increase in
Organic Sessions


Increase in
Organic Revenue


Increase in Organic


The impact was swift and substantial.
Big Box Store experienced a remarkable surge in website traffic, translating into increased sales across all product categories. The enhanced SEO efforts attracted new customers and fostered brand loyalty among existing ones. Positive reviews and social media engagement soared, creating a buzz around the revamped online store.

big box store australian online retail store portfolio